Our 'family' grew in 2024 with the arrival of brother and sister Savannah kittens, Mika and Roxi. To say their energy has changed our lives and home is a total understatement. Far from being house cats they travel everywhere with us, joining in on our adventures.
The "Journey" since the accident has been difficult to navigate for both Maria and her partner Abby.
After many years of tests and attempts at treatments, it was during the construction of a Koi Pond that Maria found great pleasure, peace and enjoyment from cutting and shaping porcelain tiles.
Maria and Abby live together in Shepperton, Surrey with their highly important fur family; Lily (Chihuahua), 'The Gang' (Koi), and now Mika & Roxi (Savannahs). Life has changed dramatically for all, yet the constant has been our "family" and closest friends.
Both holding professional careers throughout their lives, Maria and Abby have always worked hard and both achieved significantly in their work and personal lives. Maria being unable to work has resulted in significant financial strain. Many symptoms/ conditions have been added to an exhaustive (or should that be exhausting) list. This has led to exposure to an equal number of Specialists and Treatments. Together, Maria and Abby, through The 5th P, are trying to put all experiences to positive gain to communicate and educate, raising awareness and understanding of disabilities that "can't be seen'.
It is the initial goal that rather than selling works of sculpture for personal gain, each piece produced will, where appropriate, be dedicated to raising funds for an associated charity. Rather than part with each sculpture for a finite sum of money, Maria and Abby will attempt to use them individually and collectively to achieve the required awareness and uncapped funds for each charity rather than the sculptures sitting on a coffee table in an unknown location.
Please SCROLL DOWN each page to reveal the story behind each sculpture and consider donating to the Selected Charity by clicking on the button.
Thank you for taking the time to view my work and understand the origin, motivation, emotions and significance to me and hopefully also a wider audience. If you have enjoyed my work we would be extremely grateful if you would consider making a donation. Simply head to JustGiving and select the sculpture that ressonates with you.
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