"The Creative Journey" from the commercial world to the world of art has been a rollercoaster, with many emotions being experienced along the way.
Through my own experiences I have attempted to explain what I believe to be the four primary stages of the journey to Creativity.
FEAR - Many budding artists experience the fear of the 'White Page'... where to start... the fear of being negatively judged... their work not engaging an audience... a lack of self belief and/or belief in their personal artist expression. Thus the 'White Page' can be hardest stage of all to overcome. The ''White Page' has been presented in it's untouched form, 'White' being the colour of innocence.
FRUSTATION - A simple, misplaced brushstroke or a less than perfect cut can challenge the artist and require the artistic process to restart to achieve the desired result. This can lead to extreme frustration. We should embrace our mistakes and include them within the final work. The frustration is depicted by the screwing up and tearing of the work. 'Red' being the colour of anger.
ENTHUSIASM - Once the first two stages have been conquered (although they will never be total absent), enthusiasm can consume the artist. A driving force, it must also be tempered for fear of making the core idea far to complex and the core message being lost through over working. 540 holes have been hand punched in a perfect geometric pattern, allowing the back light to shine through. 'Blue' being the colour of calming.
CONFIDENCE - The ultimate stage is the gaining of confidence, often simplicity is the key to the engagement of the audience. With a strong belief in being a "Rule Breaker, Not A Rule Maker", the highly attractive metallic paper has been reversed to only offer a glimpse of the vibrant colour that lies beneath. The simplicity of the form speaks volumes, with 'Green' being the colour of customer satisfaction.
This work has only been achieved with the encouragement, understanding and help of my life partner Abby. Through the process of development and final execution FEAR, FRUSTATION, ENTHUSIASM and CONFIDENCE have all been inadvertently experienced in droves.
Materials: 4 Coloured Metallic Papers, Upcycled Picture Frame from the Local Rubbish Dump, Opaque Document Holder, Two Sets of Battery Operated Remote Remote Controlled RGB LED Lights (2m and 5m long), Foam Art Board, Timber Batten
Charity: TBC
Size: (w) 46cm; (d) 8cm; (h) 26cm
Weight: TBC
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